Why Imagery?

After teaching for the church for 36 years, I have learned that the Lord loves to use imagery. In Hosea 12:10 he states that he uses similitude's by the ministry of the prophets. I believe that when there is a event about a prophet recorded in scriptures, we can then look to see that the story may be talking about the life and mission of the Lord Jesus Christ. Isaiah 8:18 talks about how he and his family are for signs and wonders. Moses 6:63 states that all things bear witness of Him, and I hope to show some of these examples. This blog is designed to share some of my discoveries and those of many of my students who helped me learn so much in seeing Christ throughout all scripture. I was blessed to have these students from Northern Arizona, Texas and the Seattle area. I also thank all the CES teachers who have shared their thoughts and ideas. I will also include some posts giving helps to understand the book of Revelation and a few other books and chapters. Also included is an imagery sheet of notes taken at an in service meeting given by Gerald Lund back in the 80's that helped get me started with symbolism or imagery. I believe that the Lord uses both sides of your brain to teach about him. The logical side will just tell you the doctrine put straight forward and the creative side of your brain to see the imagery and symbolism, giving you two witnesses in your own body. These thoughts do not reflect any official position of any church but may be of help to some who want to learn more about their Savior.
I will try and not post more than one a week, so I don't overwhelm you.
Suggested reading order: 1. Scriptural Symbols 2. Imagery that got me started
Other blogs available. - Christ as the husband of Church part 1 of 2. It shows how family is central to God's plan,-Our marriage imagery part 2 of 2 -Jonah as a similitude of Christ - Jaredite Barge story - Nephi Building a boat - Joseph in Egypt or Temple experiences - Ammon in B of M Cutting Off Arms - The war chapters in the Book of Alma - Book of Revelation Helps-Understanding Adam and Eve-The Good Samaritan a plan of happiness story-The earth teaches the Plan of Happiness- Moses as a type of the Savior-The following posts are the chapters of Isaiah as found in the Book of Mormon.
The next series of posts will be the chapters of the book of Revelation,-A little paper on some Christmas imagery-

Friday, October 4, 2019

Isaiah in the Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 24 Isaiah 14

Isaiah 14 or 2 Nephi 24
By Jeffrey Bushman Aug. 2017
Chapter 24
Israel will be gathered and will enjoy millennial rest—Lucifer was cast out of heaven for rebellion—Israel will triumph over Babylon (the world)—Compare Isaiah 14. About 559–545 B.C.
1 aFor the Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet bchoose Israel, and set them in their own land; and the cstrangers shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob. Mercy-thru repentance & baptism, Yet-continue, again last days, Choose Israel-still covenant people, Land-promised land, Strangers-Gentiles or non-members, House of Jacob-Church today

2 And the people shall take them (IE Other nations shall help Israel) and bring them to their place; yea, from far unto the ends of the earth; and they shall return to their alands of promise. And the house of Israel shall bpossess them, and the land of the Lord shall be for cservants and handmaids; and they shall take them captives unto whom they were captives; and they shall drule over their oppressors.  Missionaries will gather remnant of Israel from far parts., Lands of Promises-return to the blessing offered by the Lord to his covenant people., Israel possess- all the earth at 2nd coming, Take them captive Those who used to rule will now be governed by members of the Church.

3 And it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall give thee arest, from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve.               The world will have no more power over the righteous, for they have become the masters

4 And it shall come to pass in that day, that thou shalt take up this proverb (IE a satirical song) aagainst the king of bBabylon, and say: How hath the oppressor ceased, the golden city (HEB “perhaps”, insolent or proud) ceased!  That day-Millennial day, King of Babylon-Satan, Oppressor ceased-how did Satan lose his power In Isaiah 14:4 footnote 4a  It calls the next few verses a satirical song, or a taunt.  It is considered one of the most powerful poems in the literature of the world.  It refers to the fall of the king of Babylon but it can symbolize any leader of wickedness especially Satan.  Ludlow divides this song up by verses talking about different places and events that will happen to Satan.  V4-8 will be on the earth. (See Rev. 17:5;  D&C 43:31;  Isa. 55:12; Zech11:2)                (A)                     The letters in parenthesis show chiasmus, the form will be A B C B A   a letter for each stanza.

5 The Lord hath broken the staff of the awicked, the scepters of the rulers. Staff & Scepters-power to rule and direct others.

6 aHe who smote the people in wrath with a continual stroke (or constant blows), he that ruled the nations in anger, is persecuted, and none hindereth. He-Satan, Continual Stoke-never quit, Hindereth-none stop Satan’s misery

7 The whole earth is at arest, and is quiet; they break forth into bsinging. Rest-at peace through righteous living

8 Yea, the fir ( HEB cypress) trees rejoice at thee, and also the cedars of Lebanon, saying: Since thou art laid down (IE in death) no feller (HEB the tree cutter has not come upon us) is come up against us. Fir trees & cedars-people, Feller-someone who cuts down trees or people   . 

Verse 9-11 will take place in the spirit world. (See Ezekiel 32:21)                          (B)

9 aHell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming; it stirreth up the bdead (IE disembodied spirits) for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations. Hell-Spirit prison where Satan now is, Chief ones & kings-those who were rulers and kings and were wicked.

10 All they shall speak and say unto thee: Art thou also become weak as we? Art thou become like unto us? Have you really lost your power you had when you ruled us, in mortality?  “They all call out to him, ‘Now you are weak as we are” (TEV)

11 Thy pomp is brought down to the grave (HEB sheol, or the spirit world); the noise of thy viols is not heard; the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. Pomp- your greatness, Viols-your music, Worms­-like the dead and have no power     “You used to be honored with the music of harps, but now you are in the world of the dead.  You lie on a bed of maggots and are covered with a blanket of worms” (TEV)

Verse 12-14 Takes place in heaven. (See Moses 4:1-4; D&C 76:25-27; D&C 29:36-38; Rev. 9:11)  This is the center stanza of the chiasmus or it is identifying the most important part of the song.        (C)

12 aHow art thou fallen from heaven, O bLucifer (HEB morning star, son of dawn. The ruler of the wicked world (Babylon) is spoken of as Lucifer, the ruler of all wickedness), son of the morning! Art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! Lucifer-Shinning one or light bearer, Cut down to the ground-kicked out of heaven and send to earth to tempt people.

13 For thou hast said in thy heart: aI will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north(IE dwelling of the gods according to Babylonian belief);  Exalt my throne-I will over power even God, I will rule over man and do it my way  not doing it the way the Lord would.  “You were determined to climb up to heaven and to place your throne above the highest stars.  You thought you would sit like a king on that mountain in the north where the gods assemble’ (TEV)
14 aI will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.  Satan, I will rule over heaven  “You said you would climb to the tops of the clouds and be like the Almighty”(TEV)
Verses 15-17 Go back again to the spirit world. (See Moses 1:19-21; 4:6; 2 Nephi 2:18-19; 9:9)                            (B1)
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the apit. Hell- Spirit prison, lose power, “But instead you have been brought down to the deepest part of the world of the dead.” (TEV)
16 They that see thee (IE the king of Babylon; the preceding verses, 12-15, applied to either Lucifer or the king.) shall narrowly (HEB squint at thee and reflect upon thee) look upon thee, and shall consider thee, and shall say: Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms?  People will say is this Satan who caused so many problems, he has some power to have some control over the elements during his tempting the people of the world.
17 And made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof, and opened not the house of his prisoners?  World as a wilderness-made mortality non-productive, House of his prisoners-death and spirit prison  Satan has some power, but is powerless against the Atonement. He did not want the prison doors to be opened for it made all of the dead like him and they would eventually become like him, for all would become angels of the Devil.
Verses 18-21 Go back again to the earth. (See Jude 1:6; Jacob 5:73-75; Rev. 12:4, 7-9; 19:21; D&C 29:27-29; 88:85, 101) 
18 All the kings of the nations, yea, all of them, lie in glory, every one of them in his own house(IE his family tomb). All people will get some glory for the good they did Everyone of God’s children who do not commit the unpardonable sin will enter and enjoy a degree of glory.  “All the kings of the earth lie in their magnificent tombs” (TEV) Translated English Version  House may also mean body, which Satan will not have.

19 But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch (IE a rejected branch, pruned off
and discarded), and the remnant of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit (IE the very bottom); as a carcass trodden under feet. You will not be resurrected because you have no body,  Stones of the pit- bottom of pit or outer darkness  “But you have no tomb, and your corpse is thrown out to rot.  It is covered by the bodies of soldiers killed in battle, thrown with them into a rocky pit, and trampled down” (TEV)

20 Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land and slain thy people; the aseed of bevil-doers shall never be renowned.  You will not be resurrected because you have no body or inheritance in the earth, or any kingdom of glory, because of your wickedness, and you will come to naught.   Renowned = or named, but will fade into oblivion.  He will be cast into outer darkness without any posterity.

21 Prepare slaughter for his children (IE Let not another evil generation arise and resume the evil regime) for the ainiquities of their fathers, that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities. His children-followers of Satan, Possess the land-lost a kingdom of glory, and will be cast off the earth as it will become the Celestial kingdom.

Verses 22-23 seem to be inserted between the 1st song and will be followed by a second.  These verses seem to refer to actual destruction of  Babylon the city.   

22 For I will rise up against them, saith the Lord of Hosts, and cut off from Babylon the aname, and remnant, and son, and bnephew, saith the Lord.  Consequences of being wicked, Name-power, Remnant, son & nephew-family unit.  There will no one be left of Babylon that will gain power over others again. 

23 I will also make it a apossession for the bittern, and pools of water; and I will sweep it with the besom (or broom) of destruction, saith the Lord of Hosts.  Bittern-birds that live in desolate places, it will be totally destroyed.  It will become desolate and a memorial to the fate of those choosing wickedness.

Verses 24-27 are about the gentiles given a chance to become part of the covenant people of the Lord.  Verse 25 Nyman states, “could be gentiles referred to as Assyria who will be brought by the hand of the Lord even though many of their group will want to persecute those of the house of Israel who are members of the true church, but some will see the hand of the Lord in the preservation of Israel and will join the true church or become part of Israel”.  Hence in our day many gentiles will give the church a hard time but during the process those gentiles who are good people will recognize the truth and join us. In verse 26 the Lord states that is the purpose of the whole earth to save all who will come unto him and be saved. See 3 Nephi 30:1-2
24 The Lord of Hosts hath sworn, saying: Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand—     I will accomplish all that I set out to do.  None can stop me in my purposes, for I have power to do all I set out to do.
The subject shifts to Assyria’s attacks and downfall of much of Judah
25 That I will bring the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains (IE the mountains of Judah) tread him under foot; then shall his ayoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders.  Assyrian army will come against Judah, but the Lord will destroy Assyria as a power and keep his people free.  Yoke & burden=having to defend themselves and the fear of bondage.  See the note before v24

26 This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth; and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all nations (IE eventually all worldly nations will be overthrown thus).  Purpose of the earth is for the formation of eternal families. D&C 49:16   As the Lord brings trouble unto many of the world some will turn to the Lord and be saved and the wicked of that nation will be destroyed.

27 For the Lord of Hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul? And his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?  Purposed-made a plan, Disannul-make it not happen, or who has the power to stop the Lord.  This destruction just explained would seem to happen in the time of Assyrian conquest and their destruction as well as the destruction of the wicked before the second coming and the destruction of Gog’s army at the end of the earth before it dies and is resurrected.

28 In the year that king aAhaz died was this burden. IE About 720 B.C., this burden or message of doom was prophesied about the Philistines, while Judah would be secure Happened anciently and will happen now
Verses 29-32 compare with D&C 97:21
Therefore, verily, thus saith the Lord, let Zion rejoice, for this is Zion-the pure in heart; therefore, let Zion rejoice, while the wicked shall mourn.

29 Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, (HEB Philistia,  also v. 31) because the rod of him that asmote thee is broken; for out of the serpent’s root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his bfruit shall be a cfiery flying serpent.  Here the Philistines were rejoicing for that the kings of Assyria who had died or the freedom and after Sargon’s conquest of Samaria or Israel, for though Sargon had died and the threat diminished a worse danger come out of Assyria through Senacherib the next king.  The Philistine destruction is described in chapters 36-37 by Isaiah.   If the wicked think to escape judgment something worse will come upon them, not just a serpent, but symbolically one that can fly.
30 And the firstborn of the poor shall feed, and the needy shall lie down in safety; and I will kill thy root with famine, and he shall slay thy remnant.  Righteous blessed of Philistia who come to the Lord and they will be protected as they join a long side with righteous Zion for the Lord Loves all who will come to him.  But the wicked will be destroyed. Could be like verse 24 and verse 32
31 Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou, whole Palestina, art dissolved; for there shall come from the north a smoke, and none shall be alone in his appointed times.  Again there will come an army from the North and they will be powerful with no cowards and will destroy you as a people.
32 What shall then answer the messengers of the nations? That the Lord hath founded aZion, and the bpoor of his people shall trust (or seek refuge in it) in it.  Zion-righteous people and a holy land and you need to become part of it while you can.

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