Why Imagery?

After teaching for the church for 36 years, I have learned that the Lord loves to use imagery. In Hosea 12:10 he states that he uses similitude's by the ministry of the prophets. I believe that when there is a event about a prophet recorded in scriptures, we can then look to see that the story may be talking about the life and mission of the Lord Jesus Christ. Isaiah 8:18 talks about how he and his family are for signs and wonders. Moses 6:63 states that all things bear witness of Him, and I hope to show some of these examples. This blog is designed to share some of my discoveries and those of many of my students who helped me learn so much in seeing Christ throughout all scripture. I was blessed to have these students from Northern Arizona, Texas and the Seattle area. I also thank all the CES teachers who have shared their thoughts and ideas. I will also include some posts giving helps to understand the book of Revelation and a few other books and chapters. Also included is an imagery sheet of notes taken at an in service meeting given by Gerald Lund back in the 80's that helped get me started with symbolism or imagery. I believe that the Lord uses both sides of your brain to teach about him. The logical side will just tell you the doctrine put straight forward and the creative side of your brain to see the imagery and symbolism, giving you two witnesses in your own body. These thoughts do not reflect any official position of any church but may be of help to some who want to learn more about their Savior.
I will try and not post more than one a week, so I don't overwhelm you.
Suggested reading order: 1. Scriptural Symbols 2. Imagery that got me started
Other blogs available. - Christ as the husband of Church part 1 of 2. It shows how family is central to God's plan,-Our marriage imagery part 2 of 2 -Jonah as a similitude of Christ - Jaredite Barge story - Nephi Building a boat - Joseph in Egypt or Temple experiences - Ammon in B of M Cutting Off Arms - The war chapters in the Book of Alma - Book of Revelation Helps-Understanding Adam and Eve-The Good Samaritan a plan of happiness story-The earth teaches the Plan of Happiness- Moses as a type of the Savior-The following posts are the chapters of Isaiah as found in the Book of Mormon.
The next series of posts will be the chapters of the book of Revelation,-A little paper on some Christmas imagery-

Friday, October 4, 2019

Isaiah Chapters used in the Book of Mormon

I will now post individual chapters of Isaiah as they are found in the Book of Mormon.
I will post them as they appear in the Book of Mormon
Most of the notes come from commentaries and from what I was trying to teach as I taught the chapters of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon
These represent my own work in understanding Isaiah.
Jeff Bushman October 2019

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