Sunday, December 7, 2014

Christmas Imagery Modern and Ancient

Christmas Symbolism
Both Ancient and Modern

Joseph: Lineage of Jesus Christ comes through Joseph in Matt.  James Talmage said, If Judah would have reigned from David until Joseph, Joseph would have been king of the Jews and Jesus would have been as his successor. Jesus the Christ  (1916 p. 87)  Luke 1:32 Throne of his father David Luke 1:32
Mary a virgin: undefiled by man
Angel sent: A heavenly mission that comes from God and not of man.
Name of Jesus: Hoshea or Joshua he will save his people from their sins.
Emmanuel: God is with us
Her First Born Son: Right to preside over the family,  he would also inherit all that his father has (as the birthright son), who was King of the universe.
Joseph knew her not so Jesus would be born of a virgin to show the world he came not of any man, he came only by God, his father.
Bethlehem: House of Bread- I am the bread of Life to those who will internalize and make him a part of their lives.
City of David: Right to rule the nation
Day-night-day no darkness:  With Christ there is no darkness, he is the light of the world.
Born at night: Light to lead the world out of darkness
Wrapped in Swaddling Clothes: Arms (Power) not available to use, he is helpless as all kids
Laid in a manger: Christ will be the food for the sheep
Shepherds watching over their flocks: Priesthood leaders and their responsibilities to be a witness, many believe the shepherds were the temple priests caring for the sheep that would be the paschal lambs for the “feast of the Passover”
Angelic Choir: praising God, announcing the good news of a Savior for the world
Shepherds bear witness of the Savior: He is the shepherd of Israel
Wise men from the East:  All will come to worship him from the highest to lowest.
New Star in East: East =comes from God, He is here to give us guidance and direction.
Gold: wealth for a king, symbolic of the Celestial kingdom
Frankincense-incense: spices for burial, his purpose was to come and die for us.
Myrrh: to prepare him for his death in order to save us.
Stable: He received nothing man would consider important, descended below all things
Candy Cane: shepherd’s staff, also colors red, blood of Christ & white, purity.
Snow: Pureness of the world through the atonement
Green: eternal life    Gifts: He is the 1st gift
Christmas Tree: evergreen or eternal life       Christmas lights: light and truth

Presents: The greatest gift ever given. (Christ and his atonement)

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