Saturday, March 1, 2014

Symbols used in Scriptural Imagery

Gerald Lund 9 Jan 1984 Tempe Arizona, Plus some add ons by Jeff Bushman
See also Gerald N. Lund, “Understanding Scriptural Symbols,” Ensign, Oct 1986, p. 23

All Things Bear Witness of Christ

 “And behold all things have their likeness, and all things are created and made to bear record of me, both things which are temporal and things which are spiritual; things which are in the heavens above, and things which are on the earth, and things which are in the earth, and things which are under the earth, both above and beneath; all things bear record of me.”  Moses 6:63   See also 2 Nephi 11:4
I know that all created things shows that there is a creator.  But I believe that this scripture teaches that all things created actually bear witness of Christ through revealing things about Christ.  An example: the rising of the sun each day.  It disperses the darkness, and lets all see things that before were hidden.  It also comes from the east which is the direction the Lord will come from at the 2nd coming.

“Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.”
 John 5:39
When Jesus made this statement the only scriptures people had to study was what later became known as the Old Testament.  He was not talking about the New Testament.  We know that Jehovah of the Old Testament was Christ.  However  everything given from Prophet’s ministry to the Law of Moses, are ment to bring us to Christ and we should find Him everywhere.

Even Prophet’s Lives Are A Type Of Christ 

“I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitude’s, by the ministry of the prophets.”           Hoses 12:10  Hosea was a type or symbol of Christ and was asked to marry a prostitute because Christ’s symbolic wife (Israel) See Jeremiah 16 & 23 had committed spiritual adultery against Him.

“But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it; but the sign of the prophet Jonas:”  Matthew 12:39-40s Jonah was in the whale 3 days Christ would also be in the earth or grave. Jonah is symbolically Christ, see Jonah blog.
All That The Lords Asks Us To Do In His Name Are A Similitude of Him
And after many days an angel of the Lord appeared unto Adam, saying: Why dost thou offer sacrifices unto the Lord” And Adam said unto him: I know not, save the Lord commanded me.  Moses 5:6 -8

Why Does The Lord Use Symbolism
  1. Symbolism encourages an attitude of searching. We discover new things and feel more rewarded.
  2. Symbols protect sacred things. Symbols can both conceal and reveal.
  3. Symbols are timeless, culturally free, and translate well from one language to the next.
  4. Symbols can have a great impact on the mind.
  5. Symbolism allows for many levels of understanding.
  6. The Holy Spirit can reveal the meaning of symbolism when it is needed.
  7. Abstract concepts are best taught with symbolism.

Guidelines for Using Symbolism

1. Look Beyond The Symbol
    a. Symbols denote something. This is what is actually seen as one looks upon the symbol. This never changes as long as the symbol remains the same.
    b. Symbols connote many things. The connotation is the association the mind makes with the symbol. It is vital that students understand the connotation. The temple ceremony is a good example of symbolism where the connotation never changes. The ceremony is always the same, yet our understanding (the connotation), constantly changes.

2. Do the scriptures (or prophets) give the interpretation (see TPJS pg 291). Two ways interpretations are given:

    a. In context with the scripture (i.e., Isaiah 5:1-7, Rev 5:8)
    b. Interpretation given elsewhere (i.e., D&C 45 gives the interpretation of the parable of the virgins.)

3. Let the nature of the symbol teach you its meaning.

4. Study to understand the idioms used. Idioms are verbal shortcuts which cannot be taken literally  (i.e., born   with a silver spoon in his mouth, baby shower, etc.)

5.  Each item used as a symbol may have 2 different and opposite meanings.  Check the context to see if it is used as symbolic of Christ or Satan.  i.e. Blood can be symbolic of our sins if our garments are stained with others blood, but it represents Christ if our garments are washed white in the blood of the lamb

6. Graphic Symbols are symbols that convey visually.
    A. Colors
            Red ~ blood sin
            White ~ purity, righteousness
            Black ~ evil, death
            Pale ~ “wishy washy”
            Purple ~ royalty (color hard to obtain)
            Green ~ life, growth
Blue ~ heaven, spirituality, Godliness, loyalty
Amber ~ looks like gold
Silver ~ like gold but less in value
Gold ~ eternity, Godliness, most valuable, resists corruption, celestial
Brass ~ Strength and durability, 
Job 40:18  Brass- polished or refined- Glory Ez. 1:7, Dan.10:6, Rev 1:15

    B. Geometric Symbols
       ___     Temporal Realm (i.e., man, mortality and the earth)
       |          Spiritual Realm (spires on our church houses cause us to lift our eyes towards heaven) 
       ∟       Sign of Square in ancient tools represent exactness.
               A cube is even more perfect than a square. The Holy of Holies was a cube.
       ס       Circle represents eternity
       ס        Circle with horizontal line (temporal) and Vertical (spiritual) represents all parts of life – the same.

    C. Human Body
         Head - governs (put crowns on heads)  bow head as a sign of reverence or submission
         Ears – obedient  if we have ears to hear vs having ears but cannot hear
         Eyes - perceives light; Godliness 
         Nose - anger
         Mouth – speaking   It is what comes out of the mouth that defiles a man, vs what goes into the mouth.
         Tongue - speaking
         Neck - pride (stiff necked; the neck refuses to bow governing body the head) bow head when pray to show humility
         Shoulders - bearing of burdens
         Arms - power and strength (folded arms mean submission)
         Hands - action (handshake – two are united in action; sign of covenant making)
         Breast – (bosom) intimacy (no sexual connotation)
         Bowels – seat of emotion
         Loins – children or offspring
         Knee – submission (lowers head)
         Foot – following the Lord or walking in our own ways.  The direction we want to travel in our life.
         Heart – true inner man
         Kidneys – (reigns Job 19:27) strength, 
         Blood – life, sin, atonement
 D.  Animals
Goat – independent, aggressive, no believer or disobedient
Sheep – follower of the Lord, living
Dove – peace
Fox – cunning, cleaver
Scorpion – danger, deadliness
Lamb – innocence, submissive
Pig – filth and uncleanliness
Horse – war (not used for work or  recreation; i.e., David multiplied horses – made ready for war)
Donkey – this is used to be a positive symbol of peace. When a King  went officially to visit  in peace he rode a             donkey. When he went there to fight a war he rode a horse.  
          Serpent – symbol of Satan, sneaky, deadly, quiet    also Christ when Moses put a serpent on a pole for Israel
          Ox – ultimate work animal, Symbol of both the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh.  Ephraim was a wild Ox and
            Manasseh was tame.  Possibly why oxen holding up baptismal font showing the importance of Bap. For the dead.
          Eagle – royalty  king of all fowl
          Vulture – scavenger, death
          Sparrow – small and common
          Lion- king of wild animals.  Symbol for tribe of Judea, Christ is the Lion of the tribe of Judah

E. Numbers (Gemeteria) In Hebrew each letter of  the alphabet represents a number
3 – Godhead, Atoning Sacrifice (i.e., 3 crosses, 3 hours darkness)
4 – Earth Mortality; Corners; Seasons,  Winds, Nations; Kindred; Tongues &  People
6-  Satan’s number, evil, and counterfeit of 7
7 – (In Hebrew  “Sheva”), whole, complete, perfect, or covenant      
            10 – order, properly done
            12 – priesthood; God’s Organization
            40 – period of trial and testing
            42- Evil, Satanic power
            50 – Jubilee, Deliverance
            70 – God’s Administration to the World
            100 – Highest possible # of expression

F. Other Symbols
            Tree of Life – Alma 32:40-41, following the gospel plan and gaining eternal life.
            Naked – Hebrew 4:13  We are totally exposed to the Lord or to others, if we are naked and not ashamed we have
                           no sin
            Waters of the Sea – Rev. 17:15, 16:2-4,   represent wicked people that Satan has power over.
            Sun – Mal 4:2 Christ, comes up in the east and disperses the darkness, Christ will come from the east
            Fall – Fall of man
            Winter – Death
            Spring – Resurrection, new life, new beginnings
            Summer – Harvest of Souls, time of work to prepare for winter
            East – From the Lord
            Mts – Temples if where men can’t go easily. But sometimes refer to be lifted up,  the pride of  wicked brought low
            Valley – Humble, firm can represent people who will be exalted at the 2nd coming.
            Trees – High and lifted up or pride of the people. Cedars may represent royalty or kings
            Wind – The spirit of the Holy Ghost John 3:8
            Islands – Where the righteous live, not in the sea where Satan controls
            Stars – Directions especially the North Star it never changes.  Constant.  Good to use to get your bearing.
            Farming – Pagan religions
            Herding – Correct religion
            Boats – Covenants,   Christ has power over the water if we keep covenants he gives us safety on Water 
Swine – Unclean, sin
Blasphemy – Putting yourself equal with or greater than God
Ocean or Water – trials of mortality, why you need a boat, or covenants to survive mortality and reach Promised

Promised Land- Celestial Kingdom


  1. Thanks for sharing your insights. It feels like seminary all over again!

  2. I'm so glad you're doing this blog! I love it and I love YOU! :)

  3. I read the first blog about symbolism and actually remembered many of the things we have talked about when I was your home teacher. This is very helpful and makes me think more deeply about symbolism. Have you consider writing a book? Thanks for just being you!
